Original Character Role Playing - November 27th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Original Character Role Playing

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November 27th, 2010

[Nov. 27th, 2010|06:27 pm]
Niihau 2010 is a reform school and town RPG based in Hawaii. The reform school is situated on its very own private island that is small and quaint (the whole island only spans 69.5 square miles) - and is only 17 miles away from one of the bigger Hawaiian islands, Kauai. The school is dead center on the island while houses and businesses are spread throughout the rest. Cars are welcome on the island - but there is also a bus system. There are also day trips offered for students that behave themselves to the island of Kauai - Niihau has a total of two ferries. While this is a reform school we do offer positive reinforcement if you are staying out of trouble. Students must be 16-20, School Staff 25+ and other staff (those that work in town/own businesses) 18+. We're accepting celebrities of all variety's - actors & actresses, models, rock stars, athletes, gods girls & suicide girls, myspace scene queens & kings, socialites - if you can Google them, they're welcome here. There are plenty of characters that are free, so take a look and join! Also make sure you take a look at our wanted list!

This is not the old Niihau - this is new Niihau - that we brought back because of our love for old Niihau. We welcome old storylines, old characters, new storylines and new characters. We welcome anyone here and we're accepting to just about any line (from mpreg to really dark) as long as it's with in reason ( with in reason means we're not keen on you  making up your own country, living in 500 story buildings, having incestuous relationships with yourself - etc) . Drama IC is more than welcome as long as you keep it IC.  Our rules are simple and easy to follow - there isn't many of them. Just give it a shot!  There are already 27 amazing characters in the game so we just need to add a few more.  If you're looking for a small community that you won't get lost in  - that offers you a great chance for a creative storyline, Niihau 2010 is the place for you.
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