Original Character Role Playing - September 5th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Original Character Role Playing

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September 5th, 2010

[Sep. 5th, 2010|08:29 am]

Where there are no last chances.

Off of Route 321 in Tennessee, in between Gatlinburg and Hartford is a small, backwater town called Heartland. Many overlook it and pay it no mind. To the great majority of America there is nothing special about this town void of even a fast food chain. Well, that’s just how they like it.

The pride and joy of Heartland is its school. Established in the early 1920’s by a inheritably wealthy and good-hearted man, Heartland Boarding School has been taking in the world’s supposed ‘lost causes’ when no other would. With the view that all kids deserve second, third, fourth, and many more chances, they offer a non-judgmental and healthy environment for kids to escape to. It was the hope of the founder that with the proper encouragement ‘troubled teens’ could go on to be ‘successful adults’, a philosophy carried on by his daughter and grandson who now over-see the school.

Welcome to your safe haven.
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Heartland is an RPG based in a fictional town. This is a game which gives players a chance to play in an environment focused around the interaction of the students and teachers. We are looking for good writers interested in good, solid plot that is player driven as well as mod driven.

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