Original Character Role Playing - September 1st, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Original Character Role Playing

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September 1st, 2010

[Sep. 1st, 2010|09:25 pm]




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Ever wonder what it is like to have your own motorcycle, be part of a group, or rule a city? [info]roaddemons offers you all this and more.

There is a town in the Southwest, known to bikers as home, Phoenix. It's out there, it's calling. Do you have what it takes to survive? Are you strong enough and can you last long enough?

Be a true outlaw of the road with the Road Demons! This is a game for the top hog of the road – become a prospect, fight other bikers, build up your reputation, and hold onto the pavement as long as you can. Buy a bike, get some guns and learn what it takes to be a true one percenter.

Join your fellow outlaws at Road Demons to make the best biker gang on the road!

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