Original Character Role Playing - July 3rd, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Original Character Role Playing

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July 3rd, 2010

[Jul. 3rd, 2010|11:48 am]
I am looking for a partner to do this on AIM.
AIM: DubangoElite
I would play the male in the following role.

Susan Dunstan is a new teacher at such and such a High School. She's a feminist, brilliant, strict, and really doesn't take any bullshit from anybody. Within only a few years, she already has seniority to teach whatever classes she likes, and is the head of the English department. Her colleagues say that within another few years Susan will knock the current principal out of his spot, and run the school.

In addition to not wanting to lose his job, the Principal (Named, say, Robert), really isn't fond of Susan. He's privately a bit of an old-fashioned type, in that the woman should be in the home. Before he got to his current position, he was a science and Psychology teacher, and extremely good in his field--Robert has an enormous amount of talent, drive, and, indeed, patience.

After some rumination, he comes up with a brilliant idea: Mental manipulation. Personality Reprogramming. Brainwashing. He doesn't like who Susan is, and he's going to change that. Use whatever means necessary-- drugs, conditioning, manipulation--anything to mold the teacher into his view of a woman. And she will never, ever be the same.

Okies! To start with, I'm aware that this isn't completely scientific and brainwashing requires blah blah blah. Quite honestly, if you were looking for strict realism, you probably wouldn't be here, hmm? It's true that this isn't accurate, but, in my opinion, it makes for a more engaging storyline.

What I'm looking for, in this case, is a complete change: Appearance, personality, memories, name, voice, everything. If the Susan of before and after were to meet in some timey-wimey situation, they'd be absolutely nothing alike. At all.

Some ideas for 'steps' to take, now!

Secretary. Every good principal could use one of these, hmm? And if it's somebody as dastardly and perverted as Robert, well, who knows what could happen with that. Probably something smexy.

Wife: This is the big one. Imagine a hypersexualized version of the stereotypical version of a 1950s-era housewife. June Cleaver on some serious aphrodisiacs. It could be a lot of fun as the end product, I think.

Pregnancy/Weight Gain: Not only are these one of the few times I might be interested in these things, but I think it could be really awesome. Just a more 'womanly' figure, really. Barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen.

Fiction/Historical: What funner way to break down somebody's sanity? Let's just imagine what Susan would be like as a Bond Girl. Or maybe singing in some seedy nightclub, or as Princess Leia. Perhaps going further back, even, and giving her the impression she's a Victorian-age lady, or a French Aristocrat, a princess, or Cleopatra. Possibilities are endless.

I'm totally up for ideas, though. Oh--and, of course, the names are just placeholders. As per usual!

[Jul. 3rd, 2010|11:54 am]

Welcome to the end of what you knew, and the beginning of the new world order.

We're The Collective, and we'll be your travel guide to the apocalypse.

The world is in trouble. Technically, it's been in trouble, and for quite some time now. People are just starting to catch on to the fact that things are screwed. The whole place, it's never going to be the same, and the majority of the earth's population? They're all scrambling, boo-hooing about how no one knew, and they're just now dealing with this shit.

Well, we knew. We've always known. And while everyone else is busy running around like chickens who've just got slaughtered but don't know it yet--we're doing something about it. We've always been doing something about it. We're that organization that conspiracy theorists knew was there but never had the name right on. We are not your government. We are those people who show up, take control of a situation, and learn all we can from it. We're not the men in black, but we're damn close.

We are The Collective. And we know what everyone else told you was bullshit. We know the truth, and we're here to save your ass, even if you're too busy playing catch up to do it yourselves. You might not like our methods, but someone's got to quell the tide, and no one else is stepping up. We are sending ARC units your way. Archive Research and Containment. Try to stay out of our way.

♦Looking specifically for members of The Collective! Looking for ARC unit operatives! Also, we're searching for residents of developing areas of the game, including Manhattan, Manchester and Colorado. All types currently available and wanted! Join Today!♦

premiseictypescharactersapplyrulesgame locationswanted

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Confused? You won't be after this episode of [info]soaptown! [Jul. 3rd, 2010|07:12 pm]
#1 - THE FACTS OF LIFE. The most important rule is that no one actually dies. Most especially if there is no body found - but even then... The dead person will choose to resurface at a most inopportune time - like when his 'widow' has finally stopped crying and is about to marry someone else.

#2 - YOU HAVE A TWIN. If you are evil, your twin is the epitome of decent. If you are good, your twin is the epitome of evil. This twin, especially in the latter scenario, will attempt at some point in your life to take over for you. You will be held prisoner somewhere unable to communicate to the people you love that it is not you doing all those uncharacteristic things. This evil twin will also have sex with your significant other. You must never forgive your significant other for this transgression as that person should have known it wasn't you.

#3 - YOUR FORMER SPOUSE. The ex-husband/wife that you failed to mention will show up at your wedding to the new true love. If this former spouse is a wife, she is there to tell you about the child you never knew you had.

#4 - EDUCATION. You do not have to be a college graduate (or even High School really) to become CEO of a major company (or a doctor or lawyer). The best way to succeed in business in a Soap Opera Town is to have your father (or much older spouse) own the business or to have some really good dirt on the owner so that he/she will be forced to give you a great job or be ruined for life.

#5 - AGING. If you send your child to camp or a boarding school, the same child will return twice as old as when he/she left even if only a year or a few months have passed. Be aware that this child will be ready to cause problems in your life. This child resents you - A LOT - for neglecting him or her for all these years. (Even though you could swear this child only left a few months ago).

#6 - CHILDREN. If a young, beautiful woman comes to town and either tries to or actually succeeds in stealing your husband... REJOICE - for this is the long lost daughter you never knew you had. Or maybe you did know, you have just conveniently failed to mention it to anyone, or maybe you had amnesia or a split personality and don't actually remember giving birth to said child. This should also alert you that the father of said child will not be far behind.

#7 - APPROACHING DEATH. If, all of the sudden, you feel compelled to tell everyone how much you love and respect them for no apparent reason. If you forgive all those who have wronged you even if you have been mortal enemies for years and you have done all you can to ruin their lives and vice versa, you should be aware that you are about to die. This also applies if you have ticked every person in town off and they have all threatened to kill you in some way or another.

If you find yourself very upset about situation 7 - don't despair - see situation 1.

welcome to soaptown.
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[Jul. 3rd, 2010|10:09 pm]
[info]priestmods, a new paranormal/supernatural/high school mystery game. Now open for holds!
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