Original Character Role Playing - May 29th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Original Character Role Playing

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May 29th, 2010

[May. 29th, 2010|08:42 am]
[info]paradisomods is an adult-only/mature played-by game that deals with the day-to-day happenings and relationships at the resort and casino. Our members are very active and friendly! You can either play a staff member or a resident of the resort, and things are kept steamy and exciting!

premise | rules | application | held | directory | wanted list | drop box
lodging | employment opportunities | members only | disclaimer

adds every wednesday and sunday.

check out our storylines community: [info]paradisolines [also open to non-members interested in posting for specific storylines].
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[May. 29th, 2010|09:32 am]



Mutated | Scientists | Town Info | Powers
Rules | Application | Premise | F.A.Q.
The year is 2030. The scientists have successfully kept their project a secret, hiding away in the bowels of Maine. They've censored, monitored, and all but controlled the mutated, posing as doctors, teachers, and trusted family members. Powers are starting to emerge and it's their job to test the limits. Conflict is rising in the souls of the sympathetic as excitement rises in the apathetic. The experiments are far from over, but the danger is just beginning.

The Genome Project is a game focusing on original characters with super powers and the scientists that mutated them.

Open powers include: freezing, electromagnetism, underwater breathing, terrakinesis, and liquid manipulation. We're always adding new powers as well, so check back if none of these interest you. We're currently also looking for some new scientists. Many children need their parents in game. Check out our premade list for pre-established lines needed.
RPG Comm | Mod Journal | OOC Comm
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