Original Character Role Playing - March 6th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Original Character Role Playing

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March 6th, 2010

[Mar. 6th, 2010|09:53 am]

Third in Population...First in Crime
A Modern Noir RPG

Premise II Rules II Application II FAQ II Holds/Character List II Wanted Characters II Taken Characters II Friend Button

Needed Characters:

The Mayor, the Commissioner, The CEO, The Celebrity, Citizens, Criminals, and Many More!

Chicago. The third largest city in America. An ideal Midwestern city, on the outset. On the inside its much more complex. Something deep. An animal, an urban machine breathing with its own mind body and soul, its spirit lingering on and grappling onto its inhabitants choking the life out of them. Infusing them with new life. An urban metropolis full of wonders, sights and sounds. Blaring jazz trumpets drowned out by loud subways and the roaring engines of garbage trucks, the masses moving under the shadow of gigantic industrial buildings over-looking the city like Greek Gods admiring their sentient creations. Yes, friends. this is life. This is the city. The soul of a city. Its beating mechanical concrete heart.

Whether you call it the Chi, Chi-town. Chi-City, Chicago land, The Second City, or The City Of The Big Shoulders, one thing you can't deny is its influence and power in the world. One of the most large and thriving, vibrant cities in the good ole' U.S. of A. A beacon for commerce, entertainment, industry, economic expansion, politics and culture. It is all of these, and more. A multicultural melting pot, an entertainment playground and an industry juggernaut seemingly unstoppable by all accounts attracting scores of newcomers to its shores year after year. Chicago is life, electricity pulsating through the streets.

Internal demons manifest in all of us, whether we try to walk the righteous path or bury ourselves in sin. This isn't an urban jungle. It's a Concrete Labyrinth. Drug deals get made, and lives get put in the balance. The daily grind of bodies filling every medical center in the city pushes its weight on the minds and hearts of every last 'healer' the city has left. Labor Unions and Newspapers straddle with changing times, the loss of promised dreams and the birth of a new age.

All everyday reality. The thing is: how do you stop the monster in your life? You fight. You push through. You give all your blood sweat and tears and push yourself beyond the limit...till there's nothing left...Except you and the world.

Whether you're a politician, a drug dealer, a crime boss, a dock worker, a nurse, a journalist, a reporter or a schoolteacher....we all make sacrifices, and we all have to choose our path wisely. We're all running our own 'hustle' in life. Life's the biggest game of all. The question is....how hard will you push your hustle?

The game goes by different rules, but the intention, and the end result, is the same. You fall, or you stand up on top. Question is, will you be willing to play the game...without any rules? This is a story of corruption, greed, faith, identity, strength, madness, revenge, success, failure, lust, love, hate, justice, fear and glory. Welcome to the true American city. Welcome to the game. Either you win...or you lose.
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the colony: a post-apocalyptic dystopia rpg [Mar. 6th, 2010|05:49 pm]

In 2009, the world experienced a global outbreak of a new strain of influenza A/virus subtype H1N1, referred to as novel H1N1 and first identified in April. It was commonly known as swine flu in North America and Mexican Flu in Europe. Deaths were reported worldwide, and concern that the virus would progress and become worse escalated as the death toll rose.

In November 2009, the Netherlands developed the first medicinal treatment for victims of the virus. When it appeared to cure the symptoms, mass production of the drug was ordered just in time for distribution for the seasonal flu season. Within weeks of deployment, reports of returned symptoms hit the media.

People fled in mass exodus from the cities in an attempt to escape its reach, either to government-run evacuation sites or places of their own choosing, but by then it was too late. Instead of treating the virus, the drug attacked the body, allowing the virus to adapt and become a new strain of supervirus not even the original vaccine could prevent. It spread worldwide in a matter of days, with no amount of damage control stopping it. Only one in five hundred survived.

By April 2010 -- one year after H1N1's first reported case and a mere three months after the medicine was distributed -- the world goes silent. But if you listen closely, you might just hear the voices of the survivors.

would you like to know more?
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