Original Character Role Playing - December 3rd, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Original Character Role Playing

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December 3rd, 2009

[Dec. 3rd, 2009|12:30 am]

The Kingdom of Frell is at peace.

Though the so-called Golden Age of King Char and Queen Ella is long over- so long ago now that few are still alive who can remember it- life continues on much as it ever did. Merchants travel the lands far and wide, finding new and exotic goods to bring back to Greenville, the town just outside the royal palace. Greenville's markets are thriving, and most of the town's inhabitants pay little mind to the castle looming in the distance.

That is, of course, until The Gray Death appears. There is no known cure. Sufferers initially feel very weak, and are soon not even able to get out of bed. Overcome by fever, their complexions turn gray and they die. Still, Greenville believes it is safe- there are just rumors of the illness, and being so close to the castle, they're safe, right?


The illness knows no boundaries, a fact that is brought starkly to light when the King of Frell contracts the disease and dies a short time later. The King leaves behind a land in limbo- his wife, the Queen, is trying her level best to keep power from the hands of their immature son. Heroes search for a cure, trying to avenge their fallen King. Life in Greenville continues on, if a bit more cautiously. Life in the court, however, is marked by ambition and intrigue. Courtiers' motives are far from pure, and ambitions are on the rise. No one is sure who will emerge victorious.

Happily ever after was never a guarantee.

Fair is an original character role playing game inspired by Ella Enchanted, Fairest, and The Two Princesses of Bamarre by Gail Carson Levine. The game takes place in the world created by those books, but no canon knowledge is required or expected. All fantasy characters welcomed!

Character ListRulesApplication

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The Psi Corps: A new game [Dec. 3rd, 2009|01:28 am]

The year is 2109. It has been twelve years since the purge of the Telepaths, a two year long war where Telepaths and Telekinetics were ruthlessly hunted down. It has been twelve years and 1 month since the passing of the Psi Protection Act, granting telepaths freedoms as any other citizen and protections formerly unknown, but also placing limits on what telepaths could legally do. It has been 11 years and 11 months since the formation of the Psi Corps, a government controlled para-military organization charged with protecting, organizing, and regulating telepaths.

With the formation of the Psi Cops, those telepaths that are considered rogues have gone further underground, helped by mundane sympathizers. They are only occasionally lucky enough to remain hidden and not returned to the Corps.

Though there are heavy regulations on what a telepath can and cannot do, they soon find themselves working with the government, and outside the PPA. Some cherish their roles and some grow ever more frightful of the abuses being heaped upon telepaths.

Will you obey the Corps as mother, as father? Or will you fight?

Rules Ψ Taken/Held Ψ Character List Ψ FaQ's Ψ Application Ψ Setting

Directory of Muns Friend add

Game to start 2 January 2010.
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