Original Character Role Playing - October 27th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Original Character Role Playing

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October 27th, 2009

[Oct. 27th, 2009|04:01 pm]
Layboy bunny craving [Oct. 22nd, 2009|05:03 pm]

Looking for someone to play a blonde Playboy bunny. I'm talking ears and tail...the whole nine. It's not a strip club or a whore house. It's a high class bunny club. Ideal PBs would be Jenny McCarthy pictured here....http://images.paraorkut.com/img/pics/images/j/jenny_mccarthy-5437.jpg or Lindsey Roeper pictured here.....http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1057/1153115702_d7994626e3.jpg. This role although involving a high amount of sex appeal is a lot more than just smut. I want someone to think and develop the character. I am definitely open to us playing more than one character each. Sometimes "RP Worlds" develop that way. Below are some storylines that could be included. Feel free to choose, add to, and or contribute.

Some storyline ideas in brief form....

A woman grows up with low self esteem caused by the American image of beauty which is traditionally the "Barbie" look. She was a mousy brunette plain jane or something in HS and or college but eventually gave in and conformed to this image. Getting breast implants and blonde hair, she sees how much different people react to her. It has positives and negatives. One of the positives is her job, making over a 100k a year at the bunny club. While at the bunny club, she meets a variety of successful men until a well to do gentleman comes into her life. She is now living the life any girl would dream of. Lots of money, dates, no work, and a thriving social life.

A woman who was a big 80s or 90s or early 2000s star has seen better days. She could have been a Playmate, actress, singer, etc...some sort of original somewhat big celeb. With her career pretty much dead as all stars someday face she goes to or goes back to Playboy to work at the club hoping to make lots of money and get her name back out there. This variation can be light or dark. She could be taken advantage of by her boss and turned into a cash cow for the club and made to do "humiliating" things a feminist or career woman would hate. In a lighter tone, it could have some sort of romance involved.

A woman graduates high school with a sexist young man who believes women are happier in their natural feminine and submissive state. He explicitly said this to anyone who would listen in high school including her. Being a feminist, she was horribly disgusted by his values and they got into frequent arguments. He would tell her things that he didn't realize would have an effect on her long term. He would call her part of the itty bitty tittie committee or say that by going into serious a serious career that men will think she is a lesbian. It's now years later and they run into each other. She discovers he actually accomplished quite a bit in his life and was now managing the bunny club. While he ran several successful businesses, her career just never got off the ground and eventually she lost her career, being pushed out. This reason can vary and we can discuss it. She has since given in, gone blonde and began pursuing a career based on her looks because she is so far in debt, it's the only she'd ever get out. She now has to work for the sexist kid who told her she'd be showing off her tits someday.

A young drug dealer moves to the city. He mainly specializes in pot and non-addictive drugs. He likes the money, party, and night life scene. Now being a regular at the club, he meets her and things take off. Despite being serious and bringing countless amounts of money, he is actually a decent guy. He went but never finished at Harvard. He uses his knowledge of business and the night life to be very successful. He likes to have fun but is serious about "the game." Essentially, a good natured drug dealer. Now making it to the top, he meets her, a bunny, at the club. His risky occupation and alpha traits are starting to attract lots of high prized women but he takes a liking to her.

A Playboy bunny moves down the street from a rich HS or college student whose father decided to teach him responsibility by cutting his allowance to that of a regular teen and encouraged him to find a job. Being spoiled, bored, and dangerous the son begins selling drugs. The bunny down the street who used to the night life and drug scene starts giving him certain perks in exchange for the drugs. Not because she can't afford it but just because she is so attracted to his youthful jocky all American male image.

I am really looking for anything fun, creative, and sexy with Jenny or Lindsey with a bunny club setting. I'm open to pretty much any idea. These are just some suggestions. I love personality and appearance change so any role involving a plain jane becoming a blonde bombshell is welcomed as well. Other fetishes include breast implants.
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[Oct. 27th, 2009|11:59 pm]

would you like to know more?
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