Original Character Role Playing - September 26th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Original Character Role Playing

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September 26th, 2009

[Sep. 26th, 2009|10:43 am]
Some will live in shelters, while others walk the streets.
Some will sleep on cardboard and some on dirty sheets.
Some will have a soul to sell, while others will want to save.
Some will wind up famous and others in the grave.” ~D.A.M.

Come run away to [info]starmod You know you want to make it big.

[info]cityofstars is an RP based on Hollywood dreamers.
Not everyone makes it big and those who don't must do what it takes to survive in the city of lost angels and broken dreams.

★ Seeking ★
Script writers, starving artists, starving actors/actresses, musicians, runaways, prostitutes, transvestites, street performers, anyone seeking the dream and finding out that reality bites.

Premise|Rules|Application|Taken/Wanted PB's|Pre-Mades|Mod Contact
City Guide
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The. Fruitful. Project [Sep. 26th, 2009|11:03 pm]

In the year 2010 the world was plagued by the full effect of Global Warming. No country was spared and no one could imagine the speed in which it came. Within months entire cities were underwater, drier than deserts, or completely leveled. Thousands died and there was no end in sight. Many lost hope until 2020 when the Eden Project was founded.

The Eden Project was a last ditch effort by the human race. Surviving scientists came up with a chemical, a gas called 'Eden' that would hopefully cool the atmosphere enough to put a stop to the catastrophes happening around the world. Slowly but surely the temperature began to drop and the storms slowed. In the time between the beginning of the storms to the launch of the Eden Project, the world population had dropped from nearly seven billion to a little below five.

It was another six years before the effect of the 'Eden' chemical was known.

It began in 2028. There were suddenly less children being born and by the end of 2029, pregnancies stopped all together. The men and women of the world were now completely sterile. It was soon discovered that the Eden chemical was the cause of the sterilization, that the one thing that had saved the world had also doomed it to an inevitable ending, the population destined to dwindle down to nothing.

The same lab that developed the Eden project has been working for the past nineteen years to reverse the devastating effects without destroying the now near perfect atmosphere of Earth. The Fruitful project was a serum, a cure that reversed the sterilization but only in people below the age of thirty.

The Global Government is taking a drastic step to increase the population. The Governments of the world began to administer the serum by administering it to everyone as a vaccine at doctor's appointments. To further insure that the population will continue to grow and to 'usher in a new era of life', a global law has been put into place. A marriage law. The Fruitful Law.

Every healthy, non-married person between the ages of nineteen and twenty-nine are to be married, whether by choice or by Government selection. The couple will have a one year period at the most after their marriage to conceive.

The Fruitful project is for the betterment of our world. Who will be your match?

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