Original Character Role Playing - April 7th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Original Character Role Playing

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April 7th, 2009

[Apr. 7th, 2009|12:45 am]
Brief Premise!

The supernatural, once plentiful and awash across the earth, were forced into hiding by the first hero. Science became the ally of the mysterious: rational thought explained away every myth, cloaking them in the shadow of ignorance. Their hiding place was not secure, however: A secret league from the olden times still existed. It was their job to make sure that the mystic stayed hidden from the rest of the world. And for hundreds of years, they succeeded, and supernatural numbers continued to dwindle. But some found the methods of the league old fashioned, and out dated in comparison with what modern technology could bring. These members were more intrigued with discovering mythical secrets. And so, construction began, and another threat had emerged. One hidden behind a dazzling new city, and a state of the art facility meant to maintain it. For as long as necessary.

And that's why you've woken up here.

Trapped by an insidious wall in a peculiar, but deadly town, filled with eccentric people that disappear in the middle of the night, never to be seen again, and buildings that periodically close down, trapping their inhabitants. Danger, both visible, and invisible, is waiting patiently to consume you on the next given opportunity, and the people here have something they're not telling.

Welcome to Aresville, we hope you survive your stay.
Opens on April 20th, or when we get 13 characters!
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love shuffle, a brand new game! [Apr. 7th, 2009|03:32 am]

Love Shuffle

Everyone has a single friend, relative, or coworker; the token single, the third wheel. There are millions of people in New York City, and maybe that's part of the problem - that's way too many to choose from! It's overwhelming. That's where the Love Shuffle comes in. It doesn't promise to connect you to your soul mate - no one can promise that - but it does promise to connect lonely singles to other lonely singles in a new, different way.

A brand new original characters roleplaying game on Insanejournal is looking for talented players! Love Shuffle is centered around the participants in the Love Shuffle and their lives as they search for Mr. or Ms. Right. This game is unapologetically about love and romance - as well as friendship, jealousy, interpersonal relationships, and everything that happens along the way!

full premisecastpbsfaqrulesapp

Premise of Love Shuffle borrowed lovingly from the Japanese drama of the same name; this game, however, is not connected in any way to the show.
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[Apr. 7th, 2009|02:02 pm]
Mods | RPG | OOC
Premise | Wanted | Rules | Cast | Apply

Now A Photo PB Game

This frontier town of magic will become a battleground. Which side will you be fighting on? The Victorian Company rules Memphis. They sell magical perfume for all occasions. Perfumes for love, success and money. Attraction. Success. Perfumes for all purposes, magical perfumes, and love oils that force men and women to be slaves. They are the law. Fight against them and they will destroy you.

P E R F U M E: A Supernatural Western RPG
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