Original Character Role Playing - January 1st, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Original Character Role Playing

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January 1st, 2009

[Jan. 1st, 2009|08:28 pm]
Will you join the revolution?
Game opened this December!
We are continuing to receive applications and have a long-term plot.

This is a fantasy-western set in a frontier town called Sedona; the year is 1842. There are saloons, horses and other historical features. Emotionally-manipulative magic is enabled through the creation of perfume. Select flowers are grown then cropped, and oils extracted through the process of distillation.

~For new players:

rules / application / faqs / played-bys and holds

~Game Information:

premise / jobs / perfume / the continent of account


perfume / perfume ooc

Needed: Iscariot members. Victorian Company workers. Prostitutes. Black marketeers and more!
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