Original Character Role Playing - November 30th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Original Character Role Playing

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November 30th, 2008

000 [Nov. 30th, 2008|11:23 pm]


Hey everyone, I'm SkySong. I've mired myself pretty deeply in the X-Men fandom for the past few years, but lately I've been itching for a more original-character run. I'm leaning more of a modern/realistic game, or one that's supernatural-lite with the focus more on the mortal characters than Who's-That-Monster. Premade games are not a problem, but I do have a few very specific characters in my head who want attention (one of them's a teenager with a deep love of street hockey, the other's a bartender who's a little too fond of shooting things). No hookup games please.

If anyone knows of a game set in the 1990's there will be glomping.
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