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Tuesday, September 5th, 2017

    Time Event

    On the surface, Point Pleasant, Maine certainly appears to be the kind of idyllic coastal town that every tourist would want to flock to during the warm summer months. It has that welcoming small town atmosphere that draws you in and makes you feel as though you belong. Locals will be sure to point out its gorgeous harbor, cozy little shops, the pollution free night skies, clear and full of stars... not to mention its disturbing fascinating history.

    What the locals won't tell you is that for the past three hundred and twenty three years, Point Pleasant has unwittingly served as a nexus for the supernatural, the metaphysical, the evil and the damned. There are plenty who are dismissive of its history. After all, every town has a run of bad luck here and there. So what if Point Pleasant has an unusually high number of missing persons... strange and unexplainable deaths happen. That? That wasn't a monster you saw... monsters aren't real. Right?

    Oh, everyone wants to talk about what's happening in their town, and yet no one really wants to talk about it. They're content with going on with their lives, getting through school, making another buck, getting through the day in one piece. But what they don't know is that ignoring the evil won't make it go away. Those who ignore the past are doomed to repeat it, isn't that what they say? Simply put, whatever has been drawing the darkness into their small town is only getting started, and nobody is safe.

    The Shadow Before is an original, horror based game set in the fictional town of Point Pleasant, Maine. This game is inspired by various elements of horror and the supernatural, and will include both game wide plots as well as individual arcs. Warning: Mature and dark themes lie ahead.


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