Original Character Friendly RPG ads' Journal
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Friday, September 1st, 2017

    Time Event

    Until You're Resting Here With Me.



    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    - - - - - Resting Here With Me.!

    Have you ever wanted to change how some of Roswell was written? Did you not like who your favorite character or characters were paired with? Did you hate that a favorite character or characters were killed? Or how one of your favorite characters had been written? How about how the show ended or the way the books were concluded?Now is your chance to change all that. While many things remain the same certain storylines have changed a bit for some characters. Liz tells Max about Future Max and with help from some of her friends she goes out of her way to make sure Tess is included so she doesn't leave, Michael chooses Maria over his destiny much sooner then in the show, Alex isn't killed by Tess and he and Isabel pursue a relationship, Tess isn't evil and as she begins to fit in with the group she also discovers that her feelings for Kyle are romantically inclined.

    These are just some of the changes that will take place in the Roswell universe. Things that were never explored in the show.

    So come join us and audition for your favorite character. We have plenty of roles open and once they get taken we'll be adding more.

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