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Wednesday, August 23rd, 2017

    Time Event

    War Torn is a Mutant based RPG set in a future alternate timeline post-war environment, in 2047.

    War Torn takes place in Boulder, the largest remaining city in Northern Colorado in the aftermath of a modern civil war. The United States is now divided along the Rocky Mountains: The west was renamed United America, where mutants and humans lived in equality; the east became Mutopia, where mutants dominated and enslaved humans who were now forced to register and serve wealthy mutant citizens, corporations, or the newly established government. Boulder is an important location in Mutopia and home to many mutants and their human servants. Located near Fort Carson Army Base, there is occasional heavy troop movement and a notable government presence. As well as a United American Embassy, Boulder is a key hub in a modern day Underground Railroad movement whose goal is to safely transport humans seeking freedom from the east to the west, undetected.

    In this new world, many questions have arisen. Are mutants the superior race or big bullies? Are humans inferior or misunderstood? Which side do you take? What are your beliefs? Will you stand with the rebellion? Or fight against it?

    The game is currently in PREJOIN. Will officially open when we have 5 players or 10 characters.

    Game Info | Q&A People | Place Holds | Wanted | Apply | Mod Dropbox
    [info]wartornrp | [info]wartornnet | [info]wartornooc [info]wartornmods

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