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Sunday, July 2nd, 2017

    Time Event
    When your eyes open you're staring up at an unfamiliar ceiling. The world is hazy and you feel as though you’ve been in this place a long time. Slowly, awareness filters in. You’re lying in a strange bed, an IV in your arm. You wear a hospital gown and a bracelet identifying you as a subject number.

    Not patient.
    Subject. This is all wrong.

    You sit up and take in your surroundings. You are in a room tailored to your tastes. With a jolt of alarm, you realize a camera points at you from the ceiling. You are being watched. On the floor near the bed sits a cardboard box. Slowly you make your way to it and find whatever clothing you were wearing last.

    You remember now. You’d been going about your daily life when someone approached you. You had a moment’s warning that you were in danger, and then—nothing. You opened your eyes and found yourself staring up at fluorescent lights. Something vaguely like a hospital room. The feel of restraints upon your wrists. Those restraints are gone now. There's nothing else for it: you must open the door.

    Mount Zenith is an original psychological horror game centering around the abduction of a seemingly random group of people, and the experiments they are subjected to. Every day the characters will be tested against strange scenarios and harsh stimuli. They will have no choice but to live and work with one another in the strange town they have been placed in. Play by the rules and be rewarded. Refuse, and be punished. They have no contact with their captors, but one thing is apparent: escape is impossible.

    Through the course of gameplay the characters will come to realize their selection for this involuntary experiment isn’t random at all. Each and every one of them has something in common - a secret that’s been kept from them their whole lives...

    Paper House — a Forbidden Game rpg
    You're at a birthday party for your friend. She brought a game, but she can't remember where it came from. You and the others set the board and roll the die. Then everything changes and you're playing the game for real. You can't leave until you face your deepest, darkest fear. Something you haven't told anyone. Something that makes your blood run cold and your muscles tense. This a game for the Shadow Men, but not for you. The only way to win is to overcome your nightmare and make it to the top of the dollhouse. You're not alone but that's not a guarantee for survival. The clock is ticking. You only have until sunrise to finish.
    Paper House is a limited-run original character role playing game based on The Forbidden Game trilogy by L. J. Smith. The game will run over the course of 24 weeks. It is a writing-heavy survival game. The game will commence once we have a minimum of 6 characters. Applications will close 4 weeks after.

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