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Monday, April 17th, 2017

    Time Event
    [info]dreadfulthings It's a game based on the works of Stephen King, Silent Hill, Goosebumps and various other sources of horror. It's about a town of of a little over 7,000 people, who are some in the know that their home is full of all things horrible, and some in the ignorant, because well, they want to be blissed or they're new in town. But when it comes down to it, the townspeople can't find it in themselves to leave, and when they think about it, it fleets from their minds. Maybe they're stuck, maybe they're just so used to it they don't mind living in dreaded fear and wading through the bullshit that is Church Hill, Maine. Maybe, there's something much bigger going on here. Whatever it is, Church Hill is a town that's been erased from today's maps and GPS, it's hard to come across. So, woe to anyone who finds it.

    Game opens with Ten Applications or six players, as I feel that's enough to keep the game going strong.

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