Original Character Friendly RPG ads' Journal
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Monday, March 20th, 2017

    Time Event

    Fall down the... is a game set in the wonderful whimsy world of Wonderland. Except that its not the Wonderland we all remember from our youth. The Red Queen broke open the rabbit hole expelling Alice from Wonderland and ever since, creatures from other worlds have been falling into Wonderland. Cracks have formed. Decay is seeping in. Wonderland is starting to fall apart and darkness is spreading with each otherworlder that falls in.

    Fall down the... is an original character game inspired by Alice in Wonderland with some hits of Silent Hill (or maybe just horror in general) mixed in. We accept characters from any kind of world or background (even fandoms!) they just must be original characters. It's a great place to toss those homeless muses, no tweaking really required!



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