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Monday, February 20th, 2017

    Time Event

    the return to Willowbrook

    Long after being shut down for its cruel experiments, the mutant secret has come to light. During a time of turmoil and transition, the newly outed mutants are looking for a safe haven. A facility built to house such people has long since been abandoned, but the space and technology are greatly needed once more, though this time to aid rather than to harm. With the help of both government and private funds, Willowbrook's doors open once more, though this time with a mutant at the helm. Renamed New Haven, the site is a work in progress, but offers mutants in need a safe place during the coming days while the world decides what to do with the knowledge that extraordinary people live among them.


    [info]anewhavenrpg via [info]anewhavenmods

    GAME OPENED 01/14!
    The Awakened Years

    On March 19th 2011 a shocking turn of events took place. Thanks to a rather nasty murder trial that took place in Salem, Massachusetts - the long held secret world of supernaturals came to light...

    Portland, Maine was never the sleepy little town everyone assumed it to be. It had a thriving arts scene, an active historical society, and more than enough bars to keep anyone content. But when everything came to light the city was thrown into the limelight in a way it never expected. Thanks to a bold move by the University of Southern Maine it became some what of a mecca for the supernatural thanks to the fact that, in an effort to give them a more prestigious reputation, the university became the first to require courses on supernatural health and anatomy in their health related majors, eventually adding a special policy fellowship to their law school. Now, that doesn't mean that things don't sometimes go bump in the night still, but the supernatural division of the Portland Police are more than happy to deal with whatever wants to try and push their idyllic little town into darkness.

    So whether your looking to help solve crime, run a little store, or maybe even take some classes - Portland, Maine is the place you want to be, no matter how human you are.

    Open since June 2016
    Check out all those shiny wanteds, or bring in a fresh face to shake things up!

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