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Monday, January 11th, 2016

    Time Event

    Kismet, U.S.A.


    1849. Settlers from the East move West with fever dreams of fame and fortune, digging hands into the dirt in hopes of striking gold. Hoping that lady luck were on their side, a small collective of people eventually settled down in the midwestern countryside. They built a small town which they named Kismet, a word which meant 'karma.' For the townspeople of Kismet, karma was an important concept; they believed that in life, there exists a constant struggle between the moral good and the moral evil. All of life is made up of action and consequence, and true justice, they believed, was born from the balance; a perfect harmony between the Alpha and the Omega. Though few found maifest destiny, the town prospered.

    Over the years the small town grew and grew, until eventually it gave birth to a modern city. Buildings were erected, a school was built; the population swelled. Over the years, the citizens existed peacefully, and violent crimes remained at a low. But with the 1920's came prohibition; the mob took full advantage of Kismet, eventually infiltrating the government of the once model place, and dipping into the police force, leading to fewer arrests and more criminals. The citizens gave up on the police; eventually, vigilantes and so called 'heroes' began popping up as criminal activity continued to rise higher and higher. The once beautiful city was swallowed up, dissolving into a megalopolitan of scandal.

    Now the citizens of Kismet endure a civil war of sorts; heroes and villains are at a constant head, fighting for complete control of the city and all of her inhabitants. The government remains corrupt, tainted by what remains of the mob who owns most of the buildings and the banks, and essentially many of the citizens themselves. The townsfolk are forced to choose sides, many foolishly choosing neutrality until someone, or something, forces their hand. Good and evil have been replaced with survival, in the city where violence and terror never sleep. So the question still remains: who will win the battle, over good and evil? And which side are you on?

    Kismet, U.S.A., is an alternate, multi-universe roleplaying game set in the fictional city of Kismet, U.S. Characters consist of heroes, anti-heroes, villains, and civilians. Characters may be from alternate canons (for example: Marvel, DC, Darkhorse) and may be from multiple sources (film, television, comics). Players must be 18+. Please read the rules before applying.

    Who will prevail?


    Kismet, U.S.A.


    1849. Settlers from the East move West with fever dreams of fame and fortune, digging hands into the dirt in hopes of striking gold. Hoping that lady luck were on their side, a small collective of people eventually settled down in the midwestern countryside. They built a small town which they named Kismet, a word which meant 'karma.' For the townspeople of Kismet, karma was an important concept; they believed that in life, there exists a constant struggle between the moral good and the moral evil. All of life is made up of action and consequence, and true justice, they believed, was born from the balance; a perfect harmony between the Alpha and the Omega. Though few found maifest destiny, the town prospered.

    Over the years the small town grew and grew, until eventually it gave birth to a modern city. Buildings were erected, a school was built; the population swelled. Over the years, the citizens existed peacefully, and violent crimes remained at a low. But with the 1920's came prohibition; the mob took full advantage of Kismet, eventually infiltrating the government of the once model place, and dipping into the police force, leading to fewer arrests and more criminals. The citizens gave up on the police; eventually, vigilantes and so called 'heroes' began popping up as criminal activity continued to rise higher and higher. The once beautiful city was swallowed up, dissolving into a megalopolitan of scandal.

    Now the citizens of Kismet endure a civil war of sorts; heroes and villains are at a constant head, fighting for complete control of the city and all of her inhabitants. The government remains corrupt, tainted by what remains of the mob who owns most of the buildings and the banks, and essentially many of the citizens themselves. The townsfolk are forced to choose sides, many foolishly choosing neutrality until someone, or something, forces their hand. Good and evil have been replaced with survival, in the city where violence and terror never sleep. So the question still remains: who will win the battle, over good and evil? And which side are you on?

    Kismet, U.S.A., is an alternate, multi-universe roleplaying game set in the fictional city of Kismet, U.S. Characters consist of heroes, anti-heroes, villains, and civilians. Characters may be from alternate canons (for example: Marvel, DC, Darkhorse) and may be from multiple sources (film, television, comics). Players must be 18+. Please read the rules before applying.

    Who will prevail?


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