Original Character Friendly RPG ads' Journal
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Thursday, December 24th, 2015

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    new panfan star wars rpg.

    [info]thegalaxy . Premise . FAQ . Rules . Taken . Holds . Apply . [info]theholonet

    Thirty years ago, the Empire crumbled. The Rebel Alliance defeated the Emperor and, as a result, control of the galaxy was fractured. The power vacuum left remnants of the Empire's government scrambling for control. In the aftermath, no one noticed that something strange was happening on Naboo.

    The Galaxy is a pan-fandom RPG based in the Star Wars universe, operating in the same timeline as Episode VII: The Force Awakens.

    Knowledge of Star Wars isn't required. Original characters will be accepted from the Star Wars universe (both "canon" and "legends").

    What is unique about our game is that characters will not be trapped in one location. They won't even be trapped on one planet. After a designated period of time (2 weeks), characters will be allowed to leave Naboo and travel the galaxy at their discretion. Characters will be able to stay in touch with one another via the Holonet and traveling, and an over-arcing plot will be in place to tie everyone in together from time-to-time.

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