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Friday, December 11th, 2015

    Time Event
    post-episode vii star wars panfandom rpg: opens december 28th

    [info]thegalaxy . Premise . FAQ . Rules . Taken . Holds . Apply . [info]theholonet

    Thirty years ago, the Empire crumbled. The Rebel Alliance defeated the Emperor and, as a result, control of the galaxy was fractured. The power vacuum left remnants of the Empire's government scrambling for control. In the aftermath, no one noticed that something strange was happening on Naboo.

    The Galaxy is a pan-fandom RPG based in the Star Wars universe, operating in the same timeline as Episode VII: The Force Awakens. Once the movie is released, generic information from the film will be incorporated into game play (no spoilers).

    Knowledge of Star Wars isn't required. Original characters will be accepted from the Star Wars universe (both "canon" and "legends").

    What is unique about our game is that characters will not be trapped in one location. They won't even be trapped on one planet. After a designated period of time (2 weeks), characters will be allowed to leave Naboo and travel the galaxy at their discretion. Characters will be able to stay in touch with one another via the Holonet and traveling, and an over-arcing plot will be in place to tie everyone in together from time-to-time.


    vas captio 3.0

    premiserulesfaqapplicationtakenholdswantedsettingdrop box

    After two failed attempts to complete a study, the Management are on their last strike with the higher ups. This time, they're going to finish. This time, things are going to be a little different. This time, they'll get it right.

    You've been chosen to participate in a social experiment orchestrated by The Research Department. When you awaken in the woods, you might feel a little woozy and disoriented, but you'll find yourself free of injury (unless you count that little point of injection on the side of your neck). You're in the woods and you're in whatever clothes you were last wearing. Beside you is a small box with a little silver plating on which there is a label that reads:

    Property of The Research Department
    STUDY 3.0

    Welcome to Vas Captio Study 3.0. You're on our time now, so sit back, try to relax, and just be yourself. That's why you're here, after all; we are very interested in studying you. But, then, you'll find that out soon enough on your own.

    Vas Captio 3.0 is an adult-themed game with dark and mature situations and weekly mod-prompted plots. Enter at your own risk.

    GAME OPENED ON 12/07/2015. APPLY NOW!
    log communitynetwork communityooc communitymod journal
                          brought back; revived.


    Upon Albus Dumbledore’s death at the hand of Draco Malfoy, Aberforth Dumbledore knows he must do clean up the mess his arrogant elder brother left behind. It just took him three years to accomplish his goal. In 1999 he used means that the Ministry would never approve of, if that can even be said anymore, Aberforth traveled back in time to 1980. His original intention was to kidnap Sybil Trelawney before she could make the infamous prediction, but he was too late. So he went after his second target: Peter Pettigrew. Kidnapping, imperiusing, and then oblivating the young man was certainly the least of his crimes, but it kept him from betraying his friends’ most sacred trust and from innocent blood from being spilled. Harry Potter would never become the Chosen One.

    Unfortunately, fate always finds a way in the end. Since he could not go after the Potters, Tom Riddle went after the Longbottoms. Augusta Longbottom put up a valiant fight, but on November 5, 1981 Lord Voldemort found his downfall with her grandson, Neville Longbottom. While the Wizarding World hailed the toddler as the Boy Who Lived, the remaining members of the Order of the Phoenix began the arduous task of hunting down and destroying the remaining horcruxes.

    The year is now 2002 and the United Kingdom has had two decades of peace and prosperity. Neville Longbottom and his peers have attended and finished Hogwarts and are starting their careers. The World Cup is making it’s return to England. Word has it that Cornelius Fudge, Minister for Magic, is retiring to spend more time cultivating his prize-winning begonias with his wife, leaving the position without an incumbent since 1990. Purebloods, now gathered under the ‘traditionalist’ banner, sees this as their opportunity to take back the power they’ve ceded since the end of the War.

    And then someone starts putting two and two together.


    MOST WANTED: James Potter. Harry Potter. Peter Pettigrew. The Longbottoms. The Malfoys. The Weasleys. Quidditch Players. Muggleborns. Purebloods. Students.


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