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Sunday, August 30th, 2015

    Time Event
    The Immortals.

    Not Gods or Titans but men and women, some ordinary, but many extraordinary. Stalwarts of history alongside myths and legends, heroes and villains, visionaries, leaders, rulers and conquerors, mixed with those who contribution has passed mostly unremarked.

    Join a diverse group of immortal humans as they begin new lives in a city where a large company has been successfully unraveling many of the secrets of DNA and so may hold the answer they have long sought.

    How did they come to be?

    The company, Evergreen, is understandably protective and secretive about its research into prolonging life and this high level of security combined with the volatile natures and emotional connections of the immortals means their task is not going to be an easy one, particularly as they must wrestle with their own absolute need for secrecy.

    St. Margaret's Academy
    St. Margaret's Academy
    not your average boarding school
    Rule #1 - Keep your fangs and claws to yourself: no snacking on any of the student body.
    Rule #2 - No magic in the hallways.
    Rule #3 - A full moon is no excuse for not having made your homework.

    We're at the dawn of the '15 - '16 school year, and it might be the most exciting one yet! The students and teachers will soon find that with the turning of the leaves, newcomers at the Academy, the election of a new Class President, something darker is about to be unleashed - something that will draw powerful forces towards the Academy to prey on its supernatural student body.
    Open since 2013 and ready to launch into our new semester after a summer break, St. Margaret's Academy is now looking for more great RPers and fresh faces to add to the fun. Enroll your progeny today!
    HOLDS OPEN AUGUST 31, 2015!

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