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Friday, February 6th, 2015

    Time Event

    Welcome to Arcwright University!

    In this modern day and age everyone needs an education, even the creatures that go bump in the night. But it's a little hard for a half demon to walk down the halls of Harvard without a few terrified looks and more than one terrified scream. So where is the modern witch, demon spawn, fae born, or newly changed vampire to go?

    Welcome to Arkwright University! Your first day starts today and you are not alone in your adventures into the world of higher education. Just as old and illustrious as other ivy league schools across the country, Arkwright has a long tradition of offering the best education to the hidden supernatural community. Hidden in upstate New York, it also manages to boast the best location for those who are 'gifted' to learn to interact with the normal population as a whole with day trips to New York City.

    Along the way you’ll meet your fellow students, young men and women from all walks of life with all kind of talents and skills there to join you in the illustrious halls of one of the leading universities for supernatural beings. Make the most out of your college life. Join clubs, pledge for one of the Sororities or fraternities, or just try to survive the school year.

    -Original and cannon characters welcome. -

    Classes are now Open!
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