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Monday, December 29th, 2014

    Time Event
    The histories stop in the 21st century. The cataclysm should have ended the world. The lands were ravaged, the waters corrupted, the air toxic. Humanity refused to die. They adapted, as their ancestors had countless times in the past.

    Two hundred years ago, an event known only as the cataclysm wiped out the majority of the world's population. It caused changes in the environment, in flora and fauna. The world itself seemed to turn on humanity, until humanity itself changed. Mutated. Developed powers and abilities to allow them to live in the transformed world. Survivors banded together and realized they could be their own salvation. They formed a community, their own safe haven, and began the long process of rebuilding.

    The year is now 2215, and the city of Haven is standing strong. The Council sees to all. The Council will keep you safe. The Council knows what's best.

    Containment is an original post-apocalyptic/dystopian game, set in a world where humanity has developed super powers. The game is based in the city of Haven, walled in from the outside dangers, and believed to be the last city on the continent. Citizens living in Haven are safe, but that safety comes at a price. Are you willing to pay it?
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    [containment. opens january 9]

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