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Tuesday, September 9th, 2014

    Time Event

    We thought that the end of the world was the worst thing we could live through. We were wrong.

    250 years ago, society collapsed in fire. Nuclear missiles rained down on cities, soldiers fought in the streets. Bombs and terrorists and disease ran rampant, leaving the former world in ruins. Entire countries vanished overnight, while others limped into a slow death, and began to fade away.

    Small bands of survivors tried to make it work among the devastation, but few made it, succumbing to fallout, radiation, the remnants of plagues or the reavers of the new world. Eventually, even they went quiet.

    Some saw the end coming before it did, and prepared. They went into shelters, deep in the ground, only emerging when it seemed safe. But their supplies couldn't last. When they came into the world, they took over the ruins of London, now known as the Hollow, building walls thirty feet high and creating a new society.

    Life was hard in the new world, though. Our technology was primitive, scavenged and bolted together from the last advances before the Earth ceased to be. Food didn't grow, plant life was scarce. Even the sky was tainted by what had come before it, the rain now burning what it landed on, the wind carrying viruses we'd never seen before.

    The only way to manage the city, which as far as they knew was the only bastion of civilisation left, was control. Thus, the new society fragmented into component parts, each working towards a common goal. The Rangers would be repsonsible for going outside of the Wall, searching for food, technology, anything to help us survive, and for charting the bizarre new life developing n the wasteland. The Guilds would manage the industrial, agricultural and commercial life in the city. The Sages would maintain the knowledge of the city, and see to the health of its citizens. The Justicars would enforce order among the populace, and the Divine, always there even in the darkest hours, would see to the spiritual needs of the people. A governing council drawn from all parts of the city would oversee its civil operation.

    The city has been here for over 100 years now, and we are the next generation. We're free within the bounds of the Hollow, but we all have to follow the rules. Otherwise, we're cast out, and become the Forgotten, exiles doomed to a short, brutish life beyond the safety of the Hollow. For many, there is nothing beyond the walls.

    For others, we wonder if there could be something more.
    Fade Away is a play-by-journal role-playing game. Players take on the role of a character and interact with other players through creative writing, or role playing, of various scenarios. Posts can be written in a solo, bilateral or group fashion. The genre of Fade Away is, broadly speaking, science fiction, with a heavy post-apocalyptic bent.

    Mod Journal Rules & FAQ Character Types Holds

    It started slowly at first. The supernaturals of the world found it more and more difficult to hide their abilities from the world at large. Eventually it became utterly impossible. With the expanse of social media and camera phones in every person's easy reach, supernaturals couldn't keep their abilities secret any longer. Before they could stop the spread of the knowledge of their powers, it was worldwide known information.

    Now, several years after the supernatural gateway was open, supernaturals and humans alike are struggling. Not everyone was happy with the knowledge that creatures of the dark existed right next door to their happy little homes.

    What side of the dark divide do you stand on?

    Most Wanted:

    Chicago Police Officers, Chicago Fire Fighters, Werewolf pack members, Motorcycle club Magic Users, Medical Personnel!

    Wanteds Cast List Organizations Application
    Earth is burning. The rest of the galaxy will soon follow. An ancient force of evil is sweeping across known space, leaving destruction in their wake.

    As one soldier attempted to rally the civilizations in a last ditch effort, something went awry. Rips in the fabric of space-time have opened, bleeding foreign energies and creatures, into the galaxy. In their desperation in the face of Armageddon, the Galactic Council has made a terrible gamble: they'll find a way to enlist these newcomers to their cause, as they prepare to make their final stand, at the heart of the galaxy- the Citadel...


    This is a Panfandom RPG, set in the Mass Effect Universe. Characters from any and all fandoms are wanted, as are original and canon characters from the MEU. Knowledge of the Mass Effect games are not necessary in any way, as the game is intended to allow players to shape their own narratives.

    We strive to be a different type of Panfandom game. One where dynamic plot, opportunities for character development, and plain old fun are each given equal measure.

    If you want to have your character to explore the wonders of the Citadel, have fun goofing off with friends, and maybe find love along the way, then this the game is for you. On the other hand, if you want your character to have a chance to be a hero, to fight against overwhelming odds, to protect the innocent and crush evil, then this is the ONLY game for you.

    How many games allow your character to make decisions that could influence the lives of thousands, or even millions of lives one minute- then put on your dancing shoes and hit up a nightclub with friends the next?

    Welcome to the Citadel

    Opening Friday the 19th.
    Accepting Holds and Applications

    Premise - Cast List - Holds
    Application - FAQ - Rules
    Mod Journal

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