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Thursday, July 17th, 2014

    Time Event

    Welcome to Haven! It may look just like any other town, but there is something lurking just beneath the surface. There are people in this town that are different. Some call them cursed and others call them troubled, but either way they are certainly different. Each of these troubles runs in families and they effect each family member differently.

    The troubles have plagued Haven for so long that no one knows how they really started. With the troubles now out of control one young girl's trouble has changed the town forever. She found herself wanting to have friends, so people from different universes began showing up in the town and now they can't go home. Haven has sealed itself, not letting anyone leave.

    Two of the town's oldest residents, Dave and Vince have taken it upon themselves to open a hotel for the new residents and find a way to finally end the troubles forever.

    [info]welcometohaven is a panfandom game that welcomes all fandoms. Game opens July 20th, so get your apps in today.

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