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Monday, July 14th, 2014

    Time Event

    One bite and it was all over.

    When Eve took the infamous bite of the Forbidden Fruit, not only were she and Adam banished from Eden and forced into a world where they were unprotected, the gates to the supernatural realm were opened. Rather than lurking in the shadows, supernaturals flooded the earth. Deeming themselves the superior race, the supernaturals enslaved the humans, forcing them to bend to their whim in every way imaginable.

    Thousands of years passed before the humans had had enough and banded together to fight back. The war spanned centuries, and in the end, the humans were defeated. Impressed at how valiantly the humans had fought, The Council made a deal with the humans. Instead of enslaving the entire human race, a lottery would be held. The humans would be free to live their lives however they wished. Between the ages of 16 and 30, though, they would be entered into the lottery, and if chosen, they would be sold into slavery, their possessions as well as their bodies becoming the property of whoever bought them. The humans balked at the idea, insisting that the supernaturals be entered into the lottery, as well. That notion was vetoed, of course, but The Council suggested a compromise. Though they were unwilling to enter ALL supernatural beings into the lottery, they were willing to enter some of the lesser supernatural races. The humans, still greatly outnumbered, were forced to agree.

    Through the years, the system has been edited. For the most part, though, the system has remained the same. This is the start of your story. Will you be a master? A slave? Apply and enter the world of 4bidden.
    Original characters and canon characters are welcome. The game started July 6th, 2014.

    Game started July 6th. APPLY TODAY.

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    Weres | Vampires | Magic Users | Fae | Human | Shifters | Slayers/Hunters/Watchers | Angels/Demons

    Dark Divide
    For centuries beings with otherworldly powers lived among the humans unnoticed. They went to work, they went to school, they had families and lives. No one suspected that right next door there was a man who walked the full moon as a wolf or perhaps a woman who could start a fire with her thoughts alone. Those were all things off of the movie screen; things that were imaginable, but impossible.

    Until one day, the things in the dark came to the light.

    It started slowly at first. The supernaturals of the world found it more and more difficult to hide their abilities from the world at large. Eventually it became utterly impossible. With the expanse of social media and camera phones in every person's easy reach, supernaturals couldn't keep their abilities secret any longer. Before they could stop the spread of the knowledge of their powers, it was worldwide known information.

    Now, several years after the supernatural gateway was open, supernaturals and humans alike are struggling. Not everyone was happy with the knowledge that creatures of the dark existed right next door to their happy little homes.

    What side of the dark divide do you stand on?

    Dark Divide is an Original Character role playing, journal based game. This game may at time contain dark and/or graphic themes that may be disturbing to some players.
    Mod Journal Holds/Taken Wanted Application




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