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Sunday, May 4th, 2014

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    Savage Garden: An AU Neverland RP

    Unwanted, unloved -- these are apt descriptors for the boys and girls who come to live in Pan's Treehouse. Promised a better life and a family of sorts, their unknown role is as pawns in a centuries-long war between a band of unruly youths and a legion of undead pirates. Peter Pan is their prince in this war, and his Lost boys play the role of his generals, sworn to protect the imaginaries in their charge. In exchange for this protection - as well as everlasting life and the love they were once denied - they are expected to fulfill the terms of the blood oath: whenever a Lost needs or desires, an imaginary must allow him to feed. A small price to pay when darkness looms ahead. All must prepare for a war unlike any Neverland has seen, for the newly arisen captain of the pirate ship The Devil's Whore awaits... and he has a blood contract of his own to fulfill.



    Welcome to the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning. This is the home, the training center—the very foundation—of the X-Men.

    It is a school that has been founded to be the home that many mutants no longer have, either because they rejected or left out of fear for their own safety. Gifted youngsters are safe within the walls of Xavier's, learning to hone their powers and preparing them for a world that fears and hates them.

    Trouble lies upon the horizon as politicians move to push through anti-mutant legislation, including new mutant registration laws. This only causes the Brotherhood of Mutants to stir up trouble in opposition. Students must decide where they will stand when humans and mutants alike reach their breaking point.

    [info]xmenmods is a game influenced by the X-men film trilogy and X-men: Evolution; a low level stress game based out of New York and laid out for players to explore their characters and the society around them as humans struggle with the concept of mutants, students work through typical teenage angst and the Brotherhood and the X-men continue to find themselves at odds.

    Premise Rules & FAQ Wanted Characters Application

    Scheduled to open May 10th!

    Three years ago, a young couple bought the abadoned manor just outside Ketchikan, Alaska. The Delaneys opened a private school on the property. A school for 'gifted' children. Gifted meaning supernaturally inclined, of course. Since its opening two years ago, the Delaney Academy has gained a reputation in both the supernatural and mundane world for excellence in academia while quietly preparing the students to live in a world that doesn't want to believe they exist. The school is always expanding, needing new staff members from all walks of life and fields.

    It has been a boon for the nearby city of Ketchikan, offering more permanent jobs and educational opportunities. Not everybody is thrilled about the school's presence, though. The Tongass wolf pack already dislikes the intrusion of the modern world in their forested islands, but overtures between the pack and the headmaster have been made. They share a common goal, but the pack is understandably wary of the intentions of a rich white man from Europe.


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