Original Character Friendly RPG ads' Journal
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Tuesday, April 22nd, 2014

    Time Event
    Blood Moon - An Original Supernatural RPG

    Blood-Moon is an Original Supernatural Roleplay which takes place in our modern world as it approaches the End of Days. Game play concentration shall be upon Houston, Texas and the various supernatural creatures hidden among humanity. While this will not be an apocalyptic game, there will be darker aspects at play within the community. Factions shall rise to combat the evil which seems to be spreading, though many souls shall fall to that ever grasping hand of darkness. Where shall your characters stand, here at the End of Days?

    Game opens April 26, 2014!

    Never Lose Faith.
    Species List // Holds & Taken
    Premise // Game Guide // Apply Here!

    [info]slushees, a NYC based, Glee group psl looking for: Santana, Mike, Artie, Mercedes, Puck, Dani, Bif, Adam, Brody, Ryder, Kitty, Joe, Unique, Sugar, Warblers, Cooper, Jesse St. James, Chandler, Dave Karofsky, and more!

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