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Saturday, April 19th, 2014

    Time Event

    Rules & FAQHoldsApplicationWanted/Caps

    The year is 5062 and you are an Agent of Time. The galaxy sees you as the best of the best, the only people who can protect them from time criminals. The Time Agency has been operating for forty eight years but they have only ever sent people in pairs or groups of no more than six, for they had the fear that moving too many people at once might cause some type of rift in the timestream. Recently, they announced that it was time to take a leap of faith. Much like the ancient John Glenn did when he took that first step on the moon. On September 1, 5061 they announced their intentions with the little science they did have to convince people that they trusted this would not cause damage.

    You are a part of this large mission, should you accept the invitation, you’ve been invited by one of your colleagues who will be acting as the Chief of your field - whether that may be combat, communications or the sciences.

    Are you ready to go back to 2014?

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