Original Character Friendly RPG ads' Journal
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Sunday, March 9th, 2014

    Time Event

    Ready or not...

    No one knows how it started, or where it came from. No one knows what it is, but in less than a month it would bring all humanity to its knees. Once in the blood, like black poison it creeps; the joints feel like broken, jagged glass. The lungs begin to fill, then the fever hits. That's what gets you- that's what kills; the virus takes over the body... and then the body becomes the virus. It's how the Dead began to walk. They don't feel. They do not tire or sleep.

    They only feed, and they do not stop.

    Ash and Dust is an Original Character role playing forum adapted from the comic books and popular AMC series The Walking Dead. This game contains dark and graphic themes that may be disturbing to some players.

    Here they come.

    [info]ashanddust_mod | [info]ashanddust_ic | [info]ashanddust_ooc

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