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Friday, February 7th, 2014

    Time Event

    The world has ended amidst the arrival of superpowers

    In some places, those who were different were welcomed. But in most places, the world reacted in shock. Fights, skirmishes, even little wars broke out around the world between groups. And then the Virus hit the world and billions of people died, and in less than a decade civilization fell.

    Most of it, that is. There were enclaves here and there that managed to maintain hold on society. Some groups were benevolent. Others were not.

    The city of Seattle is one such enclave that has oppressed its people for years. Slavery and abuse of the powerful over the masses has become commonplace. Bad enough that two uprisings have happened in the last 30 years. The last ending just last year. Tensions are still high and resentment is still strong.

    It is only a matter of time before the city erupts into another conflict. What side will you be on when that happens?
    Premise //World Info // Characters Wanted
    Cast // Application // Holds

    Game opens at 10 apps or by 2/28/14

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