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Sunday, November 10th, 2013

    Time Event

    The Fused World
    So you have the real world. Or you have the world we live in, anyway. Here we are, just average humans, living out our time. There's no such thing as magic, as fairy tales. There are no dragons in the mountains. No golems in the hills. No goblins in the forests.

    Or, they weren't here before.

    Three years ago, something happened.

    A portal opened, but it was one-way. We could not go into it, but others could come through.

    This extra world, this odd dimension, contained people - but they are not like us. They seem to have been stuck in the renaissance where we've had five hundred years of progress. They have knights and chargers, princesses, kings.

    And they have monsters.

    This is a dimension where magic is real. And now it wants to pay a visit.

    This year is the first time visitors have been allowed through the portal into our world. In a secret experiment, a number of citizens of the other dimension have been let through. Placed in a privately owned mansion in the moors of Scottish run by human volunteers from across the world, these strange visitors are given the chance to learn about humanity - while humanity learns about them.

    The Fused World – Opening November 15th

    W I L L O W B R O O K
    an original mutant rpg

    For decades, the government tortured mutants. They experimented on them, they killed them and dissected them. They kept them chained in Willowbrook State School, or "Willowbrook Asylum" as it was more accurately called by inhabitants of Staten Island. Yes - what all the residents of New York City thought was a well-meaning school for mentally handicapped children was really a house of torture. That was until 26 years ago when the mutants rebelled and took over Willowbrook. Some mutants chose to stay and form the Centurions, a group dedicated to training mutants and remaining hidden away from humans - and to just live their lives. Others, however, left and formed the Syndicate, deciding that they could never forgive humans and instead wanted to take control of them - to take over the world.

    They were not the only mutants, however, and so both sides sought to find others like them. Willowbrook finally became a true school after all, tutoring mutant students as future Centurions. For over 25 years now, they have been successful, but trouble is brewing. The Syndicate had also been recruiting, straight out of Willowbrook and under the Centurions' noses. They're closer than ever to being finally ready to take over the world.


    [info]willowbrookrpg via [info]willowbrookmods


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