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Monday, October 14th, 2013

    Time Event

    W I L L O W B R O O K
    an original mutant rpg

    For decades, the government tortured mutants. They experimented on them, they killed them and dissected them. They kept them chained in Willowbrook State School, or "Willowbrook Asylum" as it was more accurately called by inhabitants of Staten Island. Yes - what all the residents of New York City thought was a well-meaning school for mentally handicapped children was really a house of torture. That was until 26 years ago when the mutants rebelled and took over Willowbrook. Some mutants chose to stay and form the Centurions, a group dedicated to training mutants and remaining hidden away from humans - and to just live their lives. Others, however, left and formed the Syndicate, deciding that they could never forgive humans and instead wanted to take control of them - to take over the world.

    They were not the only mutants, however, and so both sides sought to find others like them. Willowbrook finally became a true school after all, tutoring mutant students as future Centurions. For over 25 years now, they have been successful, but trouble is brewing. The Syndicate had also been recruiting, straight out of Willowbrook and under the Centurions' noses. They're closer than ever to being finally ready to take over the world.


    [info]willowbrookrpg via [info]willowbrookmods





    Buffy the Vampire Slayer
    Doctor Who
    Teen Wolf
    Vampire Diaries
    All fandoms welcome!

    Original characters are also welcome!
    His name was Matthias Jefferson and he was known to London as a crazy old bat. He claimed to know of a way to collect "treasures" from other times and other worlds, and doing so with magic. Everyone thought he was a loon and then one day he went missing from the modern world. Believing him to be dead, the world thought no more of Matthias Jefferson, and failed to realize that he had transported himself into a world of the unknown.

    With the use of magic, Matthias relocated to a world away from all others, and it was there he began his collection. The madness he claimed to know was no lie and he began to uncover what he called "buried treasure". With a magic secret to all others, he began bringing together people from all walks of life. People were ripped away from their worlds and brought into Matthias Jefferson's hideaway, never again to see their homes.

    Each treasure was kept as a prisoner in a large mansion. They were allowed to roam the property, but a powerful spell kept them from going any further. Even if they somehow got around the magic, the property was protected by his private security. However, with the help of a guard turned traitor, some of his treasures were able to escape the mansion. These escapees were determined to find a way back home, but they first wanted to rescue those who remained prisoner. This is where our story begins. Where will your journey take you? Join us and write your own story.

    Join today!

    [info]slushees, a new Glee, rpgā€½ wanted: ryder, jake, marley, dani, elliott (adam lambert), mike, mercedes, unique, adam, chandler, penny, sugar, joe, cooper, bree and original characters!

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