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Friday, October 4th, 2013

    Time Event

    What would you sacrifice to escape a dying world.

    The Olympus is a gigantic space station that hovers over the east coast of the United States twenty thousand miles into Earth's postorbital zone. It is five miles wide and nearly twenty miles long and boosts a population of nearly 750,000 residents. It is a home for the elite and the wealthy and those that serve them- and it has been that way for more than 30 years.

    In order to join the population of Olympus, one either needs to be filthy rich and able to afford the lavish comforts that it provides for the Elite of Earth. Or, you sign away all rights and become a slave to the system. Either to one of the corporations (or their many little businesses that serve the elite) or to one of the elites themselves. Up here, money can literally buy you anything you want.

    Over the Chaos is a character and mod-driven RPG with dystopian, sci-fi, and master/slave elements. Not for fluff-lovers or the squeamish.

    Now open!
    Premise // Cast
    Rules // FAQs // Application // Holds

    Tutis Tempus Premise

    Our only future may lie in a past that is not even ours.

    October of 2001. A 9.9 Earthquake leads to a global nuclear winter. An accident with the Dark Veil and a Time Turner creates a portal to New Zealand five million years in the past on an alternate time line.

    December 2001, the Dark Veil began pulling people from other points in time, as far back as 331 BC, randomly, and depositing them five million years in the alternate universe past.

    September 2002, tectonic plates shifted to collide Zealandia with Australia! *We have monthly mini-plots voted on by all players.*

    Wanted Characters

    Hermione Granger, Bill Weasley, Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, Ron Weasley, Fred, and George Weasley, Harry Potter, Cedric Diggory, Angelina Johnson, Salazar Slytherin, Luna Lovegood, Seamus Finnigan, Oliver Wood, Neville Longbottom and more! Here's our comprehensive available list for more options.



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