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Friday, August 2nd, 2013

    Time Event
    Edolon: Empires at War

    Edolon: A Medieval RPG

    Years of brutal war have passed and a new king sits the gryphon throne, but new enemies rise up within the realm as well. While nobles pawn their jewels to pay their taxes, priests consign faithful and heretic alike to the cleansing flames, and foreign powers gather in the shadows...

    Edolon is a small kingdom facing fractious neighbors while the invasions of a powerful empire that threaten all of their lands. The Khan intends to conquor the entirety of the peninsula of Sutherland, but meanwhile the Horosian Church of Sutherland has declared its own internal crusade against rising heresies and allegations of witchcraft. Can the Edolene nobility defend themselves from the Army of the Church while staving off the Khan’s incursions as well…? Join the game and help determine the fate of the kingdom.

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