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Wednesday, July 31st, 2013

    Time Event

    If to the world you no longer exist,
    would you still fight to survive?

    After falling asleep like any normal day, instead of wherever you laid your head, you wake to the sound of wind on rocks and the smell of cold water. You're on an uninviting beach in a harsh climate, where the summers are dry and chilly and the winters are frozen hell, with the last twenty-four hours of your life fogged by a sedative you don't remember taking, and only the clothes on your back. Confusion and animal panic burn in the back of your mind as you sit up, and your Identity Bracelet chimes with a new, and urgent message. You initiate the transition, and a woman's voice in pleasant, aristocratic tones confirms both marrow-deep instincts.

    "The life you knew is gone. If you are here, the you you knew no longer exists -your IB number has been erased, your accounts deleted, and your family informed of your unfortunate death. To earn a new and better life, you must survive. To leave, you must play by the rules."

    "Welcome to Nowhere Island."

    Nowhere Island is a mod-driven Horror Survival RPG. Expect elements from all genres, all tied into the Ultimate Mystery Thriller (yes, we coined that term). Not for fluff-lovers or the squeamish.

    Adds done as needed until Game Opening at 12 Approvals
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