Original Character Friendly RPG ads' Journal
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Thursday, June 27th, 2013

    Time Event
    Arkham City AU RPG: Catch-22
    Another ad, another hunt for an Alice.

    Dark, graphic relationship: but there will be no fucking involved at any stage. Mind-fucks, drugs, tea, chocolate cake, rabbit masks galore, and your very own Alice Liddell costume. Stay in-character, or Hatter will be forced to take drastic measures. Alice should never be covered in blood; such a scene results in a distressed Hatter and a dead Alice.

    It needn't be said, but sadly, it must: if you are interested, read the rules of the game. It's astounding how many Alices have pitched questions at me when the obvious answers are in the, well, Rules. To get started, read the City Guide. Comments can be left here, or at the game itself: and don't worry, Jcink threads work the same as IJ threads. Don't let something 'new' stop you. Jervis has cake to share!
    Edolon: an 18+ Medieval RP

    the game


    most wanted

    Five years ago the lords of Edolon went off to war against the invading hordes of Zaksebar, and halted the barbarians' advance across the land with the blood of the faithful. Now the enemy is defeated, the old king is dead, and a new regime begins... but will it be a golden age of peace or a darker time than ever they imagined?

    Edolon offers players a chance to bring to life a medieval royal court, and a broader kingdom full of chances for intrigue, battles, glory and despair.

    Inspired by GRR Martin's A Game of Thrones

    in a world of courtly graces and ancient feuds... who will you become?

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