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Thursday, May 16th, 2013

    Time Event
    horror story.
    a game of horror vignettes
    Horror Story is an ever-evolving alternate universe for original characters. Unwittingly, these characters have been pulled into a place beyond the boundaries of time and space. A shifting dark side or twilight zone that they have no control over and very little - if any - knowledge of. Only a select few will become aware that the rules of this world are being altered, but everyone can feel that something is amiss.

    The game works in cycles. Each cycle will have its own setting and major plot arc. All characters will be included, though how involved they become in the main story is up to you. At the end of the cycle the world may shift, but the characters will remain; forced into a new situation, and given the opportunity for a new role.
    premise rules cast wanted apply mod
    Spirits of the Earth; high fantasy goodness

    Spirits of the Earth</b> is an original medieval high fantasy role-playing game set in a large and diverse world, focusing primarily on the lively continent of Le'raana.

    Here you will find exotic city-states and thriving kingdoms, miles of untamed wilderness to explore and untold adventures to discover. It is a world where magic runs wild even while some try to tame or outlaw it, where humans brush shoulders with fae and shifters and dragons alike, and where old ways are forever at odds with new.

    Here gather the highborn and low, the fettered and free, the innocent and corrupt, to tell their stories...


    • No word counts! Long posts, short posts, rapidfire, everything in between? Go for it!
    • Going strong since Dec. 13th, 2000. This game will never die on you!
    • Always active and forever friendly! IC posts made every day.
    • Epic, growing world that you can contribute to directly.
    • Laid back, drama-free community.
    • Tons of countries, cultures, and locations for you to explore!

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