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Thursday, April 18th, 2013

    Time Event

    WANTED: Toshiko Sato and Ianto Jones, along with all sorts of original characters!


    London. Glasgow. Cardiff. Dublin.

    Torchwoods One, Two, Three and Four.

    Alien incursions of varying degrees are almost a daily occurrence, with blowfish driving sports cars not even ranking in the top 10 of strange sights that Torchwood have to deal with. From sentient alien slime to little black boxes that show up everywhere with no explanation or apparent meaning, Torchwood takes it all in stride and handles it. And between the running and the aliens and the fighting for their lives, the Torchwood operatives have to deal with their personal dramas, their office flirtations and domestic issues.

    Cardiff Rift is set in an alternate universe where anything is possible. There is plenty of scope for original characters as well as canon, and not all characters need to be directly linked to Torchwood. All of the characters need friends, lovers, family etc.

    Come along for the ride.

    Cardiff Rift: An AU Torchwood RPG

    NAVIGATION | [info]cardiff_rift

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