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Tuesday, April 2nd, 2013

    Time Event

    In the year 2014 the world went to war for the third time. The country was ravaged with bombs, famine, and sickness leaving about a thrid of the population alive. Small bands of survivors tried to make due with what they had once the fighting had stopped, but as it happens in wartime, most cities were leveled leaving them to face the open roads to find a new home. After months of searching a group of around 50 survivors found their was to an abandoned island off the coast of Michigan. Mackinac Island became home to the group. They worked diligently thought the summer months to rebuild what they could and prepare for winter. For years they thrived, creating a world for themselves that was as close as they could get to how things one were.

    Families grew, children were born and all was well. But as all things, time began to change it. Tension began to build between the two founders of the settlement. One didn’t agree with how the other wanted to run things. Each began to pull away, become spiteful until one day it came to blows, a fight to end all fights, resulting in the settlement dividing down the middle. Half agreeing with one and half with the other. The Savages, the followers of the man who wanted to rely one nature instead of resources that would one day run out, left this homes and traveled North, while the rest stayed, The Civilized to live in the comfort they had gotten used to.

    Boundary lines were drawn, but that didn’t stop either side from crossing them. If not to steal food or materials, to gain Intel of what the other was going. Sometimes these events passed by without a problem, but sometimes they became violent resulting in serious injury or even death. A hatred grew in the ten years since the split, worse than the Hatfields and the McCoys or the Capulets and the Montagues. Forced to endure each other over less than 5 miles of island. Yes, survival was better in numbers but the time for that was over. Would one be forced out to find a new home or could they overcome their differences and learn to work together once more?

    Only time will tell.

    MacIsland is an OC based RPG

    Civilian or Savage?
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