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Tuesday, May 29th, 2012

    Time Event


    Off the coast of the eastern United States, there’s a small island called Mermaid Cove. Mermaid Cove appears to be a quaint little seaside village, popular with tourists, especially during the summer. Many come for the beautiful crystal blue waters and sandy beaches, some come for the unique shopping experience, others for the Legend.

    You see, Mermaid Cove isn’t your typical vacation destination.

    It was said years ago that one night during a full moon, a small tidal wave hit the village at exactly midnight, brought about by an earthquake beneath the ocean waves. This was a rare occurrence but nothing much to be worried about as thankfully the water did little damage. Or so they thought.

    After that, some of the villagers who had been submerged in the water from the wave started having strange reactions as soon as water touched their skin - their skin would start to glisten, they would suddenly gain the ability to breathe underwater for extended periods of time and their legs would merge together and form a tail. And strangely enough, they would gain powers - special powers that allowed them to manipulate water whether it be heating it up, freezing it or merely moving it.

    Many tried to leave the village, hoping that if they got far enough away, it would all fade away they would be normal again and yet found themselves returning after a while. Others revelled in this gift as they were unique and special, some staying on land as transforming humans while others chose a life under the sea. And a few feared the gift for it was hard to keep the secret just that, especially when it rained.

    A law was soon passed in the village by the mayor, whose daughter was one of the victims in this freak transformation - anyone found revealing the secret of the village to an outsider would be locked away in a dry cell until they expired as per legend, a mermaid without water is truly a "fish out of water".

    Thankfully Mermaid Cove was able to keep the secret under wraps, at least for a while - that was until a documentary director came to town and started to do research for his most recent project. Before the village knew it, their legend was being aired all over the United States and part of Europe, bringing in a whole new flood of people to their once peaceful sanctuary in search of the mystical mermaids the documentary had featured.

    Can Mermaid Cove survive all of this attention? Or is the fate of the mermaids now in trouble? Only time will tell....


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