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Saturday, May 12th, 2012

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    Humans have always dreamt and dreamt big. For an entire millennia there were talks and dreams of what was out there - Life on other planets, new worlds to explore and the other fascinating mysteries about the wonders of space, but no one knew for sure.

    Everyone wanted to know the answers of the universe.

    On July 20th 1969 the very first human stepped onto the Moon's surface with the famous quote, "This is one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind". Yet, by the time the new century came around, it looked as if there would be no more advancement in space exploration and for a while the answers of space seemed too far for them to reach.

    That was until the great discovery in the year 2019, when a group of scientists discovered a way to create and maintain artificial gravity, leading to the construction of a space station powered by this artificial gravity. Eventually, in the year 2035 the artificial gravity was successfully used in the construction of the first habitable city on the Moon and not long after that Mars.

    The year is now 2353 and mankind has been in space for over three hundred years. In that time they have made many discoveries, a fair amount good and some not so. Humans have also managed to create many colonies outwith the Sol system and are now widely known across the galaxy.

    A year ago when the galaxy thought they had found everything, humans discovered their first species of alien that had never been discovered before by anyone. That was the latest greatest achievement for mankind and they are not planning to stop there.

    This is [info]giantleap, where you will step into the lives of those traveling across the universe. Is there still more out there? Or has humanity finally reached their limit? Join and find out with us!

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