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Friday, February 17th, 2012

    Time Event

    rules ~ application ~ held/wanted
    ~Directory: Males ~Directory: Females
    ~drop box ~ friends button ~ CG Secrets

    We are a small played-by roleplay community set in the developing city of Casa Grande, Arizona. Our group consists of an open-minded and diverse ensemble of writers with an even more varied cast of characters. The community allows a broad spectrum: from your everyday girl-next-door or high school jock to a Victoria's Secret employee or NBA star. Regardless, you must be realistic when devising your applicant. Our emphasis is on character development and we offer an opportunity to delve deep into that person you have always wanted to play without the distractions of supernatural talents or global collapse. Please read the rules beforehand! If your application is denied we will provide an explanation as to why. Any further questions can be posed through contacting the mods at 'the drop box'. We will be glad to answer your queries there.

    Can you survive

    The Triangle?

    The Orient Express - A Panfandom Experience

    The Space-Time Orient Express

    Thank you for choosing the Space-Time Orient Express! You have currently boarded a Möbius class locomotive. The Möbius is no ordinary railway service. Equipped with a self-propelled steam engine, first-class parlour, observation and dining cars with dedicated kitchen cars, and an ever-expanding fleet of sleeper carriages, we pride ourselves on our frontline stewards' excellence of service. The Möbius' routes are neither here nor there. Defy the spacetime continuum. Immerse yourself in a side of the universe you've never before encountered. Be a part of the legend. Every stopover is guaranteed to be an exciting new adventure.

    Notice from the Senior Conductor
    Due to unforeseen instrumental and environmental factors, the Möbius is being evacuated and as of now is designated a RUNAWAY. We are currently aware of the situation in which involuntary and quite unsuspecting non-passengers are being commandeered by the vehicle's inter-dimensional engine.

    Please be advised that these units are uniquely designed to traverse between alternate realities and dimensions. It is imperative that you not be disembarked at the train's hour of departure. Those who choose to disembark in a foreign world do so at their own risk and peril of being stranded indefinitely. The Space-Time Orient Express cannot be held liable for the retrieval of passengers with implied intent to remain at the destination. An intent to remain can be demonstrated by a failure to board at the designated hour of departure.

    Rescue is underway at operational headquarters and our specialists are working around the clock to track the Möbius. However, the renegade nature of the train presents inherent challenges in anticipating its route. We ask you please to remain calm during these trying times. Godspeed.


    Looking to expand our player base!

    Since its founding in 1892, Clifton has always been a town divided by its train tracks. Based on the textile industry, there are those that manage and those that work. The East side of the town consists of the Haves while the West is the home of the Have-Nots.

    Though over one hundred years have passed, the town is no closer to unity. The rich stay on their side of town while the less wealthy stay on theirs though there are extremes to both social classes. Each side has their shops, their restaurants, and even their own schools. The three factories are still going strong; however, some residents are slowly spreading out to other local businesses and even commute to nearby New York City. Growth is occurring all around them even if some in Clifton are still stuck in their ways.

    This past summer changed everything, however. A severe weather pattern brought the worst weather the town had seen in a century. The tornado that blew through the area reduced East Clifton High to nothing but rubble, leaving the students with nowhere to go. After arguing and debating amongst the residents of Clifton, Mayor Wilson Davis made the final call to combine East Clifton High with West Clifton High.

    Few are happy with the arrangement. Not only are there years of prejudice to overcome, but there is overcrowding, biases, and even the merging of school teams causing chaos. But they've got to make it work somehow. Will the merging of the two schools unite the town once and for all, or tear them apart irreparably?

    GAME BEGAN OCTOBER 8TH! Join the party!

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