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Friday, January 20th, 2012

    Time Event
    The Immune: A Zombie Apocalypse RPG
    Food: scarce.
    Water: scarce.
    Electricity: solar powered and weak.
    Comfort: minimal.
    Safety: nonexistent.

    Welcome to New York City, 2019. Population: last recorded at just over 2,500.

    The outbreak has ravaged the city for six years now. The infected population now outnumbers the human population 10:1. Every day feels like a losing battle.

    People still fight. There are still pockets of resistance; folks who have been determined to be immune to the virus, people who aren't immune but have things to offer and people who know that it's best for them to run and hide. Those people are too strong to die, too brave to give in.

    For those brave enough to fight, just living day to day is occasionally a struggle. They're fighting to benefit a government who looks out for their own survival before the survival of the remaining citizens. Even the strongest people break every day.

    But a rebellion is coming. Government vs. survivors vs. zombies.

    It's time for change.



    Leopold would do anything to spend his every moment with his mermaid bride.

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