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Monday, October 17th, 2011

    Time Event
    Marvel: Art of War

    | Game Premise | Rules | Application | Taken Characters & PBs | Place a Hold |

    Marvel: Art of War is an alternate-universe Marvelverse game set in 1963.

    It is a time in history like no other. There are those who feel that they are standing on the dawn of a golden age while others feel that the threat of nuclear war will tear the nation apart. The fire of the Civil Rights Movement is beginning to blaze with men and women standing up against oppression at home, as costumed superheroes and criminals begin to make their presence known.

    Against this backdrop of conflict and change, a man named Charles Xavier is searching for others of his kind. For more information, please click the links above.

    Open to both Canon and Original Characters!

    Characters We Need/Want:

    + Brotherhood members
    + Callisto (and other Morlocks)
    + Hellfire Club members

    + Avengers villains
    + Bobby Drake (Iceman)
    + Sean Cassidy (Banshee)
    + Roberto daCosta (Sunspot)
    + Victor Creed (Sabretooth)
    + Danielle Moonstar (Mirage)
    + Sam Guthrie (Cannonball)
    + Tabitha Smith (Boom Boom)
    + Original characters
    + Characters not on our taken list.
    1977. You know your muggle culture-- Punk music. Star Wars. Saturday Night Fever. But the culture of the wizarding world in 1977 is a different story entirely, a story that's just waiting to be told...

    On 1 November, 1977, Headmaster Dumbledore will announce an addition to the Hogwarts journal systems-- the anonymous journal. Essentially, it will be a journal available to everyone in the school, where you can post anything you want, anonymously. Now, don't get too excited-- it isn't just a method to freely insult your enemies. Posts may be anonymous to the students, but Professors can and will be monitoring, and can break the anonymity if the need for taking points arises. But it shouldn't come to that, of course...

    Confundo! is a Marauders Era game set in 1977, focusing on Hogwarts students, their culture, and their reactions to the upcoming war.



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