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Sunday, July 31st, 2011

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    This is not the world as you know it. A few minor changes in history have brought about a vastly different landscape. The United States does not exist, and in its place is a collection of countries, kingdoms, and colonies. Most of them are stable, peaceful places.

    One is not.

    The Kingdom of Virginia is in turmoil. Civil war threatens to break out at any minute. The nobles are badly divided, rebel groups are rampant, and the economy is on the verge of catastrophic failure. Foreign aid is pouring into the country, both in support of the king's government and of the rebels.

    Will King Charles be able to hold onto his throne? Will he lose it to his dissatisfied nobles? Or will be he be toppled by those who claim the cause of justice?
    Weekend Warriors

    Our idea of a superhero has been crafted—molded since we were young. Just a click of the remote took a child to Superman, the very definition of the word. We saw him utilize his enhanced agility and strength to defeat the unethical schemes of Lex Luther, his arch-nemesis. When all was right, he ran to the shadows to become a common man named Clarke Kent. He then battled everyday evils, such as staplers, traffic jams, and the pain of unrequited love.

    Though he was portrayed as a civilian, he was never considered one. He was always alien to us, as most well-known superheroes are. It’s never an average man who's gone without a run-in with toxic fluids or bites from strange creatures who saves the day, but for these citizens that all changes...

    Weekend Warriors' concept is strongly influenced by comics, television, and movies such as Scott Pilgrim, Kick Ass, and Heroes. It’s relaxed, character-driven, and allows for new sub-plots alongside the existing one.


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