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Saturday, June 11th, 2011

    Time Event
    Resumption RPG (Harry Potter)
    RESUMPTION: a life interrupted to begin again
    A Harry Potter RPG

    Post the Second Wizarding War, many are content to go forward with their lives. Some aren’t however. Augustus Rookwood is one of those not happy in this world and the former death eater begins to make plans to make his own world, his ideal world.

    Taping into dark and forbidden magic that will bend both dimension and time, Rookwood begins collecting the citizens for this new world. Wizard and witches of his choosing who are not merely from the era he comes from, but others-both ancient and into distant future. Whether these wizard and witches want to live in this world isn’t his concern.

    There are so many questions though. Where is this place? What day is it? What country are they in? Why are there others that they don’t know or recognize but who know intimate details about their lives? This world is full of mysteries about the village and... experiments keep appearing out of nowhere.

    You are at the mercy of the council.

    - - - - -

    Wanted Characters: Croaker, Salazar Slytherin, Albus Dumbledore, Aberforth Dumbledore, Rabastan Lestrange, Catriona McCormack, Kirley Duke, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood, The Weasleys, The Malfoys, The Blacks, NextGen, ect.

    Opened May 26, 2011

    Grand Lotus Hotel
    Tucked away in the most luxurious part of the Caribbean is a small, exclusive island where all your desires can be found and obtained. Whether you just want to get away and relax for a while or have an unforgettable adventure experience, the Grand Lotus Hotel has what you're looking for. The goddess Calypso, after losing Odysseus to the mortal world, withdrew for a time, only to return, ready to mingle with the mortals once more. After setting up the hotel on her island, she began to accept guests, but when they left she felt that same ache of loneliness she had felt when Odysseus sailed away from her, and she decided to make a few changes to the Grand Lotus. Now, anyone who comes to visit feels no need to leave once they've given into their cravings, no wish to be elsewhere, since all their desires are met on the island. So come and forget your cares and worries, give in to your urges and wishes, and live the way you were meant to. Calypso is waiting for you...
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