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Tuesday, June 7th, 2011

    Time Event

    Cambion City


    Where all your dreams (and nightmares) await...

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    Once a segregation colony for Weres and Vampires after their discovery in the early 1900's, Cambion City has since flourished under the hand of a Supernatural civil rights movement that started in the 1960's and has blossomed into the place to see, be seen, and party in the United States. Cambion City boasts the finest resorts, hotels, casinos, shops and real estate in the United States, along with the best clubs and entertainment. It is seen by the world as a shining example of how all species, human and supernatural alike, can live in harmony.
    But of course, everyone knows that things are not often all that they seem.

    Beneath Cambion City's glittery and glamorous facade is almost a century's worth of torture, pain, segregation and scars. Life between the supernatural species and humans has not always been so harmonious, and some species are not so quick to forgive and forget. From all over the world, vampires, weres, angels, demons, deities, witches, monsters of lore and more are coming into the light moving to Cambion City for a fresh start, a fresh meal, revenge or simply amusement. Tensions are high, peace is little more than a shiny facade, and it seems that every side, including that of the humans, has an agenda. A war has been on its way for years, and Cambion City may be the first battleground.

    Cambion City is an original character supernatural game set in the fictional town of Cambion City on the South West Coast of the United States. The game will open as soon as we have 10 established characters and is slowly coming together. Start with a fresh slate! We are looking for any and all original characters you might be able to think up!

    *Because of the adult content that will play a major part in this game, the game is rated NC-17 with NO exceptions.

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